Come As You Are - But Do Not Remain As You Are

By Jojo - July 08, 2020

Have you ever felt like God was telling you something about yourself that you don't quite believe?

I remember when the Holy Spirit started letting me know that I had to be careful cos I was letting pride into my heart and that it was going to cost me if I didn't cut it out. 

I couldn't believe it. Me? 

I kept asking if the message was for me or for someone else because before this, the one thing I could categorically state about myself was that I wasn't proud, and that I didn't treat people differently based on their backgrounds. 

In fact it's been one of my life long goals to not be pompous so you can imagine my shock when He said this, and kept on saying it. For the longest time I wouldn't accept that I was proud, I couldn't see it. I just could not see myself that way. But then one day I remembered one of the things on my "What I know About God " list, which is that God cannot lie. So, if God cannot lie, then... 

Bringing this fact to remembrance led to a change in my attitude. I stopped arguing and instead started asking the Holy spirit to show me how and what my triggers were so that I could truly repent because even though I still couldn't see it, I had accepted that it was the truth. And in His usual fashion, the Holy Spirit came through. 

To cut a long story short, let's just say I learnt my lesson and now realize that it's an honor to sweep the house of the Lord

So, enough about me - what is the Holy Spirit telling you about yourself? Especially that thing that you're still arguing with Him about?

1. The Holy Spirit is GOD, and God cannot lie
2. He's not condemning you, He just wants to transform you
3. You have to accept your fault and repent. If like me you can't see the problem just ask Him and He'll show you. God is not a bogeyman, He is loving and kind and has told us to ask - so ask away!
4. Whatever transformation He requires is always ultimately for your own good, even if it's hard to see now
5. Change is hard, but only when you try to change by your own might. God makes everything easier. The Holy spirit will help just lean on Him and obey and you'll be amazed at how quickly transformation can happen.
6. You will prevail. The power of sin over us is broken so approach this knowing that your victory is sure because Jesus has already won the battle on our behalf.

Until next time - May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always

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